360° Reality Production: MMC Group becomes holistic full-service provider for reality productions

Cologne, August 31, 2022. MMC Group Cologne has repositioned itself in the field of reality productions and comprehensively renewed its existing range of services under the name "360° Reality Production". Behind the concept is a holistic consulting and development approach for international reality formats. In the future, the group will accompany producers in the development of new reality projects from the very beginning in order to create optimized workflows for each project from a single source.

In-house demo direction and specialized core team

"We have been working hard in recent weeks and months to position ourselves even more professionally as a full-service provider in the field of reality production. In addition to installing an in-house reality demo control room, with which we can simulate and individually develop all production processes together with producers, we have installed a specialized core team whose full focus is on the optimization and implementation of reality productions. We are convinced that with our '360° Reality Production' concept we create real added value for producers - process-wise and financially," says Jens Wolf, CEO of MMC Group.

"With our years of experience and the necessary know-how in all areas, we guarantee holistic expertise for projects of any size. We offer free production consulting to producers as early as the conception phase and can thus develop highly efficient production workflows, seamless technical integrations and individually tailored solutions from a single source right from the start. This means that productions can be realized faster, more efficiently and more cost-effectively in the future," adds Hacik Kölcü, CTO of the MMC Group.  

Nicole Vierthaler is responsible for the division as Head of Reality - First reality format "Wir werden groß" with Saga Media successfully completed

 Nicole Vierthaler, who can look back on more than 30 years of experience in the industry, will take over as head of the reality team. During this time, she has successfully implemented countless international formats such as Big Brother, Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!, Bachelor in Paradise or First Dates Hotel in leading positions as well as director.

Nicole Vierthaler & Stephanie Obst

She is supported by project manager Stephanie Obst, who was most recently Global Travel Manager at ESL, one of the world's leading e-sports companies, managing the logistics of major international projects around the globe. Obst is not only responsible for on-site support and implementation, but also ensures efficient and smooth processes in the areas of travel management and transport and shipping processes in a 360° approach, so that the producers can concentrate fully on the creative implementation.   

The first reality production of the new unit has already been shot and started yesterday: The docu-format "Wir werden groß" ("We're growing up") was successfully realized with Saga Media, and the second episode will run on VOX on Sept. 6 at 8.15 p.m.

More info at: www.magicmediacompany.de/reality-production
