The grand finale of "Das Supertalent" today on RTL - live from the MMC Studios

In the grand live finale of "Das Supertalent," the 11 best acts of the season compete against each other in the MMC Studios: Artists, dancers, singers, a hand farter, a comedian, a sign language singer...

Who has the greatest talent, the greatest entertainment potential?

The jury from Dieter Bohlen, Evelyn Burdecki, Chris Tall and Bruce Darnell will still give their verdict, but: Today, the viewers alone decide with their phone calls who will win the title "Super talent 2020" and thus earned 50,000 euros in prize money.

On behalf of UFA SHOW & FACTUAL the Technical Operations team of MMC Studios Köln GmbH is responsible for the technical TV production of the final responsible and the MMC Art Department realized the Stage and decoration construction.

"Das Supertalent - Das große Finale" on December 19 at 8:15 p.m. on RTL and TVNOW - live from the MMC Studios.

Photo: (from left) Bruce Darnell, Chris Tall, Evelyn Burdecki and Dieter Bohlen. Credit: TVNOW / Stefan Gregorowius
